Our site is undergoing construction. Online order has been temporarily disabled during this process, but if you wish to place an order please call 1-800-323-4212. Sorry for any inconveniences!
Besides the standard selling line you see pictured in the catalog, Lloyds
otters substantial discounts on most other makes or models of hearing
instruments currently manutactured. This service is especially useful to
customers wishing to duplicate their current hearing aid or have had a particular model recommended to them by a hearing professional. The procedure is as follows:
ASK FOR QUOTE - Write or call us tor a quote on the specific make and
model you're interested in. Be sure you let us know the options you want
in the hearing aid.
FULL PAYMENT IN ADVANCE - Since the instrument will be obtained
specifically tor you, we need your full payment (including shipping) prepaid
before we can proceed to order the instrument for you.
45 DAY TRIAL - The instrument will be sent to you on a 45-day trial basis.
RETURNS AND REFUNDS - The prepayment is refundable with the
exception of a $50 restocking fee. The instrument must be returned with
original papers and packaging (presentation case, instruction booklet,
etc.), or there will be a charge. Physically damaged aids cannot be accepted for full credit.
This is a must for anyone having moisture or perspiration problems with their
hearing aids - also for people who have
itchy ears after wearing their aids.
Simply place your instruments in this
box overnight, turn it on, and your aids are
fresh and ready to go every morning.
The Dry & Store Box is a high tech device
that blows 95� heated air over your instruments. It has a desiccant (a moisture absorbing bar) within the box. When you start the
machine an ultraviolet light comes on which
kills any germs, bacteria, or fungus that may
be present on your aids.
Your investment in this device will more than pay for
itself as it keeps your hearing aids germ-free, out of the repair shop and
extends the longevity of your hearing aid investment. Keep your ears
No longer available for sale.