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This unique type of hearing loss requires special attention. If you have trouble
distinguishing women's and children's voices and miss words the ch,s,t,f sound,
these are some tell-tale signs of a high-frequency hearing loss. The best results
are achieved when hearing aids are used in both ears. Many behind-the-ear
instruments can be used with a special open-type custom ear-mold (seep. IS).
The goal of our fitting is to provide you with amplification of the higher tone while
letting your natural hearing hear the lower tones. A good fitting will improve word
discrimination and understanding of conversations.
The custom models on pages 5-9 and 13-14 can be specially designed to fit high
frequency losses at no extra cost. These are appropriate for users who have
good hearing up through 1500 Hz to 2000 Hz.
In the past few years there have been exciting new products launched by several
of the leading manufacturers for high-frequency hearing loss. These are primarily
small behind-the-ear style instruments with a tiny wire tube that comes around
the front of the ear. These are digital circuit aids with very open, non-occluded
earpieces. Prices vary, but these instruments are generally in the mid-digital
technology price range.
This is the fourth pair of hearing aids I have purchased. The quality of sound is great, I
am able to use with my phone much easier than any of the others I have had!! I appre-
ci ate being able to order the aids at such a reasonable cost and the fact that they fit so
much better! As far as I'm concerned, you have a customer for the rest of my lifetime.
L. L., Benton, KY |
I've lived on afarm most of my lfe, and have ordered twice from Lloyds. For me it was
a godsend!
H. S., IvtcVeytown, PA |
Congratulations on taking a step toward
improved hearing. Research has shown
that hearing instruments substantially
benefit most people who wear them.
But hearing instruments may not pro-
vide the same advantages to all wear-
ers. Individual hearing improvement
depends on the fit of the hearing instruments, the degree of severity of the
hearing loss, and the accuracy of the
patient evaluation.
Also for proper fifing of a hearing aid,
some customers may need from a
licensed hearing aid dispenser or audiologist (I) the results of a hearing
examination within the past S months
and (2) an ear impression.